Thursday, July 24, 2008

Loretta Nall on the Larry Barton Show

This past Sunday morning I was a guest on "In the Interest of the People" with former mayor of Talladega, Larry Barton and co-host Benny Green. This is a neat one because it is a gospel radio station and the opening and closing music harkens back to a time before I was born. I'm not real sure but the opening song "Man from Galilee" sounds like the Carter Family. Neat stuff.

In this show we talk about the Troy King rumors, my run for governor, the failure of drug policy, the John Alexander Rochester case and my future political ambitions.

I will be a guest on the show again tonight from 7-8 p.m. If you are in the Talladega area and can pick up 89.7 FM or 1230 AM then tune in.


Unknown said...

Hi Loretta,

This is "John Q. Public" from Larry's show that aired tonight (12-18-08)

I really appreciate you calling and supporting me in my anti-theism. Contact me if you ever feel like chatting with a like minded person.



Anonymous said...

I think it is a shame and disgrace that our elected officials and also the ones running for office here in Alabama are not being challenged to tell the truth about their Character.For example the adulterous behavior of one of our State House of Representatives, Randy Wood, and Judge Laura Phillips,of all things she is a family court judge. How ironic! Someone needs to check on their trips out of town and WHO do you think paid for those. I know for a fact that certain parties are working very hard to keep these facts from coming into light, to try to fool the good people who will be voting soon. anonamous

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I know for a fact that certain parties are working very hard to keep these facts from coming into light, to try to fool the good people who will be voting soon.

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